Friday, February 1, 2008

Hate Rock Trio

Hate Rock Trio are a band originally from Melbourne, Australia. They believed that moving to Berlin would open their music up to a more appreciative audience than the inward looking Australian music scene.

Their music revolves around a dark, slow and mechanical drum beat. Screeching, wailing guitars consume the rest of the sonic space. This guitar sound, in my opinion, is typical of Melbourne though the band's sound is changing drastically due to their residency in Europe.

Nostalgia was created in one night in a basement somewhere in Melbourne town. It was to be in response to the band's digust in regards to up and coming bands mercilessly pillaging from 60's/70's rock and roll (most notably Jet and Wolfmother).


digital sunshine vomit said...
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digital sunshine vomit said...

It's been a fair few months since I've listened to this properly. I know exactly what you meant when you say that elements of their sound are unique to Melbourne. I'd love to get their other recordings.

Also, I've sort of started a blog too. Nothing on it yet, but keep a look out. It may take at least a few days - I haven't used blogspot in years!