Thursday, June 19, 2008

Exuma- Exuma

Anthony Mckay originated from the Bahamas before moving to New York in the late 60’s to study Architecture but found himself making music instead. Eventually he named himself Exuma, and released his fist album in 1970. If you want to delve more into his history I’m not going to recite it, just go to wiki:

On this self titled release Exuma creates a world controlled by spirits, strange noises and sacrifice. Influenced heavily by his origins Exuma borrows from street music such as Junkanoo and calypso music and presents it for us Anglos in a language of ballads and folk tunes that we can more easily digest. But it is when the music is at its most detached and strangely possessed is the most rewarding. The sea shell shimmers and thunderous, sporadic drums of Séance in the Sixth Fret seem to call on some dark ghost to control the ebb and flow of the melodramatic rabble of noise. The perfect antidote follows in the form of a beautiful ballad about loss and confusion calling to some ethereal power.

This is a serious gem from a time dominated by what is better known as ‘psychedelic music’. That’s all I have to say.

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